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Who is CAMELLIA茗岩?

CAMELLIA茗岩 brings the finest Wuyi artisan tea right to your doorsteps. We are also here to serve small to medium enterprises in Singapore.


It is known that the beverage tea is made of singular botanical named Camellia Sinensis. To be consistently reminded of its herbal and primarily benefits, we have adopted "Camellia" as our brand name. Since Wuyishan is an important tea production region, which is also the cradle of Oolong and Black tea, Chinese characters 茗岩 are incorporated in celebration of its origin.

✵ 茗(Míng) is the ancient context for 茶 Chá, Tea.
✵ 岩(Yán) means rock or cliff, which is the best representation of Wuyi landscape

The combination of the two characters, 茗(Míng) and 岩(Yán) denotes rock of tea and holds a homophonic meaning of famous rock 

A little more about us

We have always been intrigued by the complexity of Wuyi teas replica rolex and have fallen hopelessly in love with this daily luxury. As Mother Nature intended, simple yet intricate, the beverage is celebrated and adored by family and friends alike. Our vision towards the continual preservation of tea traditions in Singapore has inspired us to do what we do. To bridge the two, like how nature meets exquisite craftsmanship passed down generations, CAMELLIA茗岩 is born.